July 24, 2010

Urban Decay Primer Potion Project!

Mission: De-pot (de-tube? de-genie bottle?) the Urban Decay Primer Potion into a small container = SUCCESS!

A few things I noticed about the UDPP:

1) The plastic is really hard to cut open.
2) There is a lot of product in there! Much more than I thought there would be.
3) The consistency is actually much thicker than it is judging from what you get off the applicator.
4) Like everyone has said, this packaging is one huge waste of product.

So I took a pair of pliers and hacked away at the plastic until I had enough of an opening to scoop the product out. It was difficult and it was messy, but in the end it was worth it.

Now, you may have read my review on the primer potion and remember that I haven't really been impressed by it; but I just can't seem to bin it!

I did notice that I was getting very little product (and the consistency was thinner) when using the tube and applicator. However, now that I've de-potted/tubed/genie-bottled it, I can see that it's a much thicker product. Maybe I'll have better luck with using it now? Who knows?

Do you use the UDPP? Do you love it?


  1. I've only recently purchased UDPP but love it!

    Heard that UD will be putting it in squeezy tube sometime soon - about time!


  2. @L - glad to know you love it! i desperately want to love it too, that's why i keep hanging on. maybe now it'll be easier to work with.



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