October 26, 2012

FILLER POST!!! (a.k.a. Dani Can't Find Her Camera)

So it's kind of embarrassing to make this big ta-da about being back to blogging and then not post for, what, a week? It's coz I can't find my camera, you guys! >_<

Anyway, I decided to do a bit of a filler post while I'm trying to find that darn camera. So here's what I've been up to lately:

Firstly, I met Larie-girl! (see above photo)

She is sooo sweet and sooo cute! Unfortunately, I only had about 2 hours to spend with her, but it was 2 hours well spent! I have now met 3 of the bandits; that makes my heart very happy!

School's been going well... One of the highlights of my course so far is learning how to block eyebrows. It's a lot of work and it's difficult to do without the proper concealer, but it's still a lot of fun!

Btw, how thrilled does my brother look? I think he loves missing an eyebrow!

We've been doing decade makeup as well. It's really interesting to see how much makeup styles and trends have changed throughout the years. The 50s was definitely my favourite look as it's so classic and flatters nearly everybody. Last night was all about the 60s and I had a lot of fun creating something reminiscent of that era. I was trying to create something that was traditionally 60s, though I found that mine was bit more on the modern side. Still, I think the look turned out well. :)

And last but not least...

If you read my last post, you'll know that I was the makeup artist for a YWCA campaign. Well, here's some photos!

Honestly, I felt like I could've done better... I keep thinking that perhaps I should've gone for a more defined and polished look instead of something very natural, but I'm still proud of the work I've done. The entire experience was so valuable and it's such a trip to see your work in such a public space.

The other day as I was getting off my train, I just happened to look up at the TV screen... What did I see? The YWCA ad!

I stood under that TV for a good 5-8 minutes waiting for it to pop up again so I could take a photo of it. It was such an incredible feeling seeing something you've worked on displayed for all to see!


And there you have it... My first filler post. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me -- hopefully I'll be able to find my camera soon!

Have a great weekend, lovelies!


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